

Cross-Border Project Majestic ZOOs

The Majestic ZOOs project is aimed at developing and promoting family-oriented tourism in the cross-border region between Croatia and Serbia, focusing on public tourist spaces such as zoos. Supported by the Programme Interreg IPA CBC Croatia Serbia 2021-2027, this project…

Spring – Easter Workshops

More than 450 children enjoyed the spring and Easter workshops. ‘Greetings from the zoo’, postcard coloring, and writing messages were among the favorite activities that marked the past weekend. Smiles say it all, and we’re sending greetings by mail! Styrofoam…

May 1st Program at the Palić Zoo

The Palić Zoo will be open to visitors on May 1st and 2nd, with working hours from 8 AM to 8 PM. The May 1st program will run on May 1st and 2nd according to the following schedule: Exhibition of…