Amur carp is widespread in the fresh waters of East Asia. It is known for its bland taste and bones, which is why locals rarely consume it, except when steamed.
Common carp is native to Europe and Asia. It has a rich history of cultivation, dating back to Roman times. It can reach large sizes. It prefers larger stagnant waters and can survive in water with low oxygen levels.
The bronze mullet is a type of freshwater fish in the catfish family that is often kept as an aquarium fish. In nature, it is found in calm, shallow waters with a soft bottom, but it also inhabits running water.
The spotted mudfish is a type of catfish, also known as the spotted catfish. This type of catfish is an excellent choice for an aquarium, as it is a hardy, beautiful and peaceful fish. It prefers an aquarium with plants and a temperature between 16 and 24 degrees Celsius.
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