The butterfly finch is a small bird with a wide distribution of about 7.7 million square kilometers. This bird is 12.5 to 13 cm long, with characteristic red cheeks and blue feathers.
The black crow is an intelligent and noisy songbird, inhabiting the western parts of Europe and eastern Asia. It has black feathers with a green sheen, is smaller than a raven and lives in smaller flocks except during the breeding season, when it mates and gathers in pairs. Some individuals live in city parks and feed on a variety of foods, including carrion, eggs, seeds and fruit.
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Corvidae
Scientific name: Corvus corone
Habitat: Forest, shrubland, grassland, wetlands, rocky areas
Origin: Europe and Asia
Current trend: Increase
Number of individuals in the world: 55.000.000-114.999.999
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