In cooperation with the Provincial Institute for Nature Protection and JP “Palić – Ludaš”, 14 birds from the Palić Zoo’s Wild Animal Sanctuary were returned to nature. The following species were released into the wild: 2 buzzard eagles (Buteo buteo), 6 red kestrels (Falco tinnunculus), 1 wasp eagle (Pernis apivorus), 2 cuckoo owls (Typo alba), 1 small buzzard (Asio otus) and 2 individuals of the barn owl (Athene noctua). These birds were released near Lake Ludaš.
2 birds were released into the botanical part of the Zoo, namely 1 individual city swallow (Delichon urbicum) and 1 individual gray flycatcher (Muscicopa striata).
Some birds arrived at the Shelter as young individuals and were fed in the Zoo, while the rest were injured and exhausted and received adequate care and recovery inside the Shelter.
During the 20 years of operation of the Shelter, 5,000 individuals were received (and precisely those 5,000 individuals are cheetahs that will soon be returned to nature). Of the birds, storks, buzzards, kestrels, white-tailed eagles, cuckoo owls, little buzzards, forest owls and cuckoos, marsh harriers, ducks, jays, woodpeckers, swallows and grebes are the most cared for.
Since the beginning of the year, more than 100 animals have been cared for in the shelter.