The African giant snail is a type of land snail whose color varies between brown, orange and yellow with stripes that often run vertically. They are not noted as social animals, but they are not aggressive towards other individuals either.
Order: Stylommatophora
Family: Achatinidae
Scientific name: Lissachatina reticulata
Habitat: Wet rainforests, human settlements
Origin: Africa
Current trend: Unknown
Number of individuals in the world: Unknown
Lifetime: 3-4 years
Harmony of colors and shapes
Slugs are a type of land snail. Species of slugs can be difficult to distinguish from one another, as individuals of the same species can vary in color. Some slugs are known as pests that cause damage to agricultural crops and ornamental plants.
Order: Stylommatophora
Family: Arionidae
Scientific name: Arion
Habitat: Sea, sea grasses
Origin: Different parts of the world
Current trend: Unknown
Number of individuals in the world: Unknown
Lifetime: Short, depending on the species
Roman snail
Protector of vineyards
The grape snail is a type of land snail characterized by a spherical brown shell. It requires humidity and lower temperatures. It lives up to 2100 meters above sea level in the Alps.
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